Harvest Math Invitational
Join us for STEAM for All's second Harvest Math Invitational! It is a unique opportunity for high schoolers to compete in a challenging and fun individual and group contest of mathematical skill. More information can be found below.
What if, on test day, I do not receive the problems and/or answer forms?
- ​Please check your promotions and/or spam tabs. If you still cannot find the email, please send an email to ocmathcircle@gmail.com.​
Does everyone on a team have to be the same grade, and do they all have to be high schoolers?
No, anyone can participate.
If there are four people on a team, can three members do the Discrete Round?
No. Please assign two members to Discrete and two to Continuous. A team of three will assign one member to one test and the rest to the other test. In other words, each team will assign half (or close to half) of their members to each of the two individual rounds.
If I want to participate as an individual, do I have to be placed on a team?
No, you will not be put onto an incomplete team unless you indicated that you wanted to on the registration form.​
If my team is incomplete, or if I am participating as an individual, am I still eligible for awards?
Yes, but the team awards may be harder to get with an incomplete team.
Do I have to register to participate?
Yes. It is the only way we can email you information and the problems.
What if I miss some rounds in the competition?
You are still eligible for prizes.
If someone on my team is unable to come to the competition, will we get a replacement?
Yes, if you indicated so on the registration form, but only if you email us a week before the competition. We will send you the contact information of the replacement.
Do we need a proctor?
Yes, your proctor will be your Team Captain’s parent.