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President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)


The President’s Volunteer Service Award is a program which gives citizens the opportunity to receive recognition for the community service they do. STEAM for All’s PVSA season begins on April 1st and ends March 31st the following year.

PVSA Winners.JPG

What hours qualify?

Does Qualify:

  • Volunteering at an event you signed up for and received confirmation for your role/responsibility. 

  • Attending planning/leadership meetings that you contribute to and prepare for

  • Sending emails related to event planning/preparation

Does Not Qualify:

  • Communicating in a STEAM for All group chat

  • Lack of service or engagement while volunteering.

  • Failing to follow SFA Volunteer Agreement (Code of Conduct) while volunteering. 

  • Coming to an event without signing up

  • Signing up to an event but not showing up

  • Meetings in which you do not contribute any ideas

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